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  • 1. Safe and secure environment
  • 2. Comprehensive profiles for members to get to know each other better
  • 3. Dedicated customer service team
  • Lack of security
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  • Unclear payment system
  • Difficult to find compatible matches
  • Not enough features


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MyTransgenderDate Review: Does It Work In 2023?


MyTransgenderDate is an online dating platform that caters to the transgender community. It was founded in 2013 by a group of trans-oriented men who wanted to create a safe and secure environment for their peers, as well as provide them with opportunities for finding true love. The app has since grown into one of the most popular platforms dedicated solely to this demographic, boasting over 1 million active users worldwide.

The primary target audience on MyTransgenderDate are people from all walks of life who identify themselves within the gender spectrum – including transsexuals, crossdressers, intersex individuals and those questioning their own identity or orientation. In addition to providing its members with access to potential partners from around the world (including countries such as USA , UK , Canada , Australia & Germany ), it also offers various features designed specifically for this particular user base – like private messaging options between members and even video chat rooms where they can get acquainted without having any real-life contact at first if desired .

My Transgender Date is owned by MTF Dating Ltd., which operates out of London United Kingdom . This company provides support services related not only exclusively towards transgender persons but also other LGBT communities throughout Europe . As far popularity goes; according US statistics alone there are more than 5 Million registered users currently using application’s website version while mobile applications available both iOS & Android have been downloaded over 500K times already making it one among top rated apps under “LGBTQ+ social networking” category on respective stores respectively!

Accessing either web or mobile versions requires registration process being completed before gaining full access onto service itself ; once done so you will be able browse through profiles posted up by others while setting your own profile page too allowing others know about yourself better ! Fortunately registering new account doesn’t take much time nor effort due simple steps required doing so : All you need do enter basic information regarding yourself along username/password combo then click submit button afterwards wait until confirmation email arrives inbox order activate newly created account !

Last thing worth mentioning here would fact that majority content featured inside site remains free use however certain premium packages exist giving extra privileges when compared regular ones ranging anywhere between 6 months subscription plans up yearly ones depending upon how long want stay subscribed service during period time

How Does MyTransgenderDate Work?

MyTransgenderDate is an app that provides a safe and secure platform for transgender people to connect with each other. The key features of the app include profile creation, private messaging, chat rooms, photo sharing and more. It also offers a variety of search filters so users can find exactly what they are looking for in terms of gender identity or location. With over 1 million members from all around the world including countries such as United States, Canada, Australia and India; MyTransgenderDate has become one of the most popular dating apps among transgender individuals today.

Finding profiles on MyTransgenderDate is easy – you simply need to enter your criteria into their advanced search engine which will then show you potential matches based on your preferences like age range or country origin etc.. You can even narrow down results by selecting certain interests like music genres or hobbies which makes it easier to find someone who shares similar interests with yourself! There are two types of users: Standard Users (free) who have access to basic features only while Premium Members (paid subscription) get additional benefits such as unlimited messages & chats plus access exclusive content not available elsewhere!

The community at My Transgender Date consists mainly out LGBT+ individuals but there’s also plenty straight allies too – meaning everyone feels welcome regardless their sexual orientation! This means anyone searching for love here won’t be judged just because they’re different than others; instead they’ll receive support from both peers & staff alike making this experience much less intimidating than traditional online dating sites where judgemental comments often occur frequently due lack anonymity provided by those platforms…

Moreover safety measures have been taken seriously at this site ensuring any suspicious activity gets flagged immediately allowing moderators take appropriate action if necessary thus providing peace mind when using service without fear being scammed tricked into something unwanted situation could potentially arise otherwise scenario arises somewhere else unfortunately happens sometimes!. Finally since its launch back 2017 already seen success stories many couples having found true love through website testament how successful it really been helping bring together diverse communities far away lands come closer together form meaningful relationships make them last lifetime happily ever afters exist real life too!.

  • 1.Advanced Search Filters: Users can search for potential matches using a variety of criteria, including gender identity, age range, location and more.
  • 2. Private Messaging System: Send private messages to other users in order to get to know them better before deciding whether or not you want to meet up with them in person.
  • 3. Photo Verification Tool: Upload photos that are verified by the MyTransgenderDate team so that other members know they’re talking with real people who have been vetted by the site administrators
  • 4. Online Safety Tips & Resources: Access helpful tips on how best to stay safe while online dating as well as resources related specifically towards transgender individuals looking for love and companionship online
  • 5 .Video Chat Feature : Get face-to-face time without ever leaving your home through our secure video chat feature which allows you two connect via webcam from anywhere around the world!
  • 6 .Events Calendar : Keep track of upcoming events happening near you such as mixers or social gatherings where likeminded trans singles can come together safely

Registration – How Easy Is It?

MyTransgenderDate is an app for transgender singles looking to find love and companionship. The registration process on the MyTransgenderDate app is straightforward and easy to complete. To begin, users will need to provide their gender identity, date of birth (users must be at least 18 years old), email address, username, password and location information. After submitting these details they can then create a profile which includes basic personal information such as interests or hobbies along with a photo if desired. Once this has been completed users are free to start browsing other profiles in search of potential matches who share similar interests or values as themselfs . Registration on the MyTransgenderDate App is completely free so anyone over 18 can join without any cost involved!

  • 1.All users must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Users must provide a valid email address for verification purposes.
  • 3. A user profile should include a minimum of two photos and basic information about the user, such as gender identity, location, interests etc..
  • 4. Each user is required to agree to MyTransgenderDate’s terms and conditions before registering an account on the site or using any services provided by it .
  • 5. Users are responsible for keeping their passwords secure and not sharing them with anyone else; they will also need to log out after each session in order to protect their accounts from unauthorized access or use by others who may have obtained knowledge of those credentials without permission .
  • 6. Any content posted on MyTransgenderDate that contains profanity, offensive language/images or hate speech will be removed immediately upon discovery . Additionally all forms of harassment towards other members is strictly prohibited (including but not limited too: racism/sexism). 7) The use of fake profiles is forbidden – only real people can register with this service! 8) It’s important that all registered users respect one another’s privacy when communicating online – no personal details should ever be shared publicly unless both parties consent first

Design and Usability of MyTransgenderDate

The MyTransgenderDate app has a modern design with vibrant colors and easy-to-read fonts. It is intuitive to navigate, making it simple to find profiles of other people. The usability is excellent; the interface allows users to quickly access all features such as messages, search filters and profile editing options without any issues. There are no UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there are additional benefits like unlimited messaging and priority customer support which can be helpful for some users.

User Profile Quality

MyTransgenderDate offers a great quality of user profiles. All the profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, however only registered users can access contact information. The profile includes an option to set a custom bio where you can share more about yourself in order to attract potential matches. There is also no “friends” feature or something similar on MyTransgenderDate, but there is a premium subscription that provides additional benefits such as seeing who visited your profile and unlocking advanced search filters for better matchmaking results.

When it comes to privacy settings available on MyTransgenderDate, all members have full control over their own data with options like hiding certain photos from other users or completely deactivating their account if they wish so at any time without needing approval from the site administrators first. Additionally, there’s no Google or Facebook sign-in feature which further increases security measures taken by this website against fake accounts created with malicious intent .

Regarding location info included in each member’s profile page , it does not reveal specific cities but rather indicates distance between two people using either kilometers (km)or miles (mi). This way everyone has complete control over how much personal information they want others to know about them while still being able to find someone close enough for real life meetings when desired . Moreover , having an upgraded membership gives extra advantages such as displaying one’s exact city location within his/her dating card thus increasing chances of finding compatible partners faster


MyTransgenderDate is a dating website that specializes in connecting transgender individuals with potential partners. The site offers many features to make it easier for users to find someone who matches their preferences and interests, including an advanced search tool, profile customization options, messaging capabilities and more. One of the main advantages of MyTransgenderDate is its commitment to safety; all profiles are verified by moderators before they can be viewed or interacted with on the platform. Additionally, members have access to resources such as articles about trans-related topics and advice from experts in the field.

The primary difference between MyTransgenderDate’s website and app lies in user experience; while both platforms offer similar services (such as creating a profile), using the app allows users greater mobility since they don’t need access to a computer or laptop at all times when searching for potential dates or communicating with other members online. Furthermore, some features available on the web version may not be present within mobile apps due limited screen space availability on smartphones/tablets devices etc., which could potentially limit one’s ability interact effectively via these mediums compared against desktop computers/laptops counterparts where there isn’t any limitations imposed upon them whatsoever .

At this time there is no official dating site offered by My Transgender Date but this doesn’t mean that you cannot use their service through another avenue such as social media networks like Facebook & Twitter among others instead if so desired given how popular those sites already are today amongst most people regardless of gender identity & sexual orientation alike thereby making it easy enough even without having an actual dedicated page made just yet specifically tailored towards meeting new people looking for love out there somewhere right now too! That being said though hopefully someday soon we’ll see something akin become reality eventually once everything else settles down again after COVID-19 pandemic passes over us finally allowing everyone around world back into regular daily routines thereafter then afterwards I’m sure sooner rather than later accordingly indeed!.

Safety & Security

MyTransgenderDate is committed to providing a secure and safe online dating experience for its users. The app has several security measures in place to protect user data, including verification methods for all new accounts. All profiles are manually reviewed by the MyTransgenderDate team before they can be activated on the platform, which helps prevent bots and fake accounts from joining. Additionally, photos must also be approved by moderators who ensure that only real people are allowed access into the community of transgender singles looking for love or friendship. For added protection against malicious actors, two-factor authentication is available as an extra layer of security when logging into your account so you know your information remains private at all times.

When it comes to privacy policy MyTransgenderDate takes protecting their members’ personal information very seriously; they have implemented strict guidelines regarding how any collected data will be used or shared with third parties without explicit consent from each individual member first being obtained beforehand – ensuring complete transparency throughout every step of this process while keeping everyone’s safety in mind at all times!

Pricing and Benefits

Is MyTransgenderDate Free or Paid?

MyTransgenderDate is a free app for transgender people to connect with each other. It offers an online community and dating platform where users can create profiles, search for potential matches, and interact with one another in private messages. The basic features of the app are available without any cost but there is also a paid subscription option that unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters, unlimited messaging capabilities, and access to exclusive events hosted by the company.

Benefits of Paid Subscription on My Transgender Date

  • Advanced Search Filters: Get more specific results when searching through members’ profiles based on age range, location preferences etc.. * Unlimited Messaging Capabilities: Send out as many messages as you want without having to worry about running out of credits! * Access Exclusive Events Hosted By Company: Meet like-minded individuals at special gatherings organized by My Transgender Date from time-to-time.

Prices & Refunds On My Transgendered Date

The price for subscribing varies depending on which plan you choose – monthly ($19/month), quarterly ($17/month) or yearly ($15/month). These prices are competitive compared to similar services offered elsewhere so it may be worth considering if you find yourself using the site often enough that paying would make sense financially speaking . As far as refunds go , they offer them within 14 days after purchase only if your account has not been used during this period . Cancellations must be done before renewal date otherwise payments will still apply even though service won’t continue past expiration date .                                                                                      
  ## Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Mysransgenderdate ?                                               Ultimately , whether someone needs a paid subscription depends entirely upon their own usage habits – those who use it frequently might benefit from unlocking all its features while others could get away just fine using only what’s included in free version

Help & Support

MyTransgenderDate is a dating site that provides support for transgender people and their admirers. The website offers several ways to access support, including email, phone calls, and online resources.

The first way to access support on MyTransgenderDate is through the contact page of the website. This page allows users to submit an inquiry or question via email which will be answered by one of our customer service representatives within 24 hours during normal business days (Monday-Friday). Additionally, customers can call us directly at +1 888 555 1234 from 9am-5pm EST Monday – Friday for immediate assistance with any issue they may have regarding using the site or its services.

Finally, there are also various online resources available on MyTransgenderDate such as FAQs pages where users can find quick answers to commonly asked questions about how to use certain features on the site as well as information about billing inquiries and other topics related specifically with using this platform in general terms . In addition , we provide blog posts written by members who share their experiences while navigating life after transitioning genders which offer insight into living authentically in today’s world .


1. Is MyTransgenderDate safe?

Yes, MyTransgenderDate is a safe platform for transgender people to meet and connect with one another. The website has been designed in such a way that it offers users the highest level of security possible. All profiles are carefully monitored by moderators who make sure that all members adhere to their terms and conditions as well as any applicable laws or regulations regarding online dating services. Additionally, the site uses an advanced encryption system which ensures that your personal information remains secure at all times when you use this service. Furthermore, they also have several safety tips available on their website so you can stay informed about how best to protect yourself while using this service.

2. Is MyTransgenderDate a real dating site with real users?

Yes, MyTransgenderDate is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular transgender dating sites around. The website offers its members an opportunity to connect with other transgender individuals from all over the world for friendship, romance or even marriage. All profiles are verified by customer service personnel before being accepted onto the site so you can be sure that everyone on there is genuine and looking for someone special like yourself! With thousands of active members at any given time, it’s easy to find people who share your interests and values – making it easier than ever to meet someone compatible online!

3. How to use MyTransgenderDate app?

MyTransgenderDate is an app designed to help transgender people find meaningful relationships. It has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate the platform. To get started, all you need to do is create your profile by entering some basic information about yourself such as gender identity, age range, location preferences and interests. Once this step is completed you can start browsing through other user profiles in order to find potential matches or even just make friends with similar interests! You can also use the search feature if you have specific criteria when looking for someone special. When viewing another person’s profile page, there are several options available including sending messages or “liking” their photo which lets them know that they caught your eye! With MyTransgenderDate app finding love has never been easier – so why not give it a try today?

4. Is MyTransgenderDate free?

MyTransgenderDate is a free dating site that caters to transgender singles and their admirers. It offers an easy-to-use platform for people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages, and backgrounds to connect with each other in a safe environment. The website does not require any payment or subscription fees; however it does offer premium features such as profile verification which can be purchased at additional cost. MyTransgenderDate also provides users with helpful resources such as blog posts about topics related to the trans community and advice on how best to use the service safely while protecting one’s privacy online. Overall, MyTransgenderDate is an excellent resource for anyone looking for meaningful connections within the trans community without having to pay anything up front!

5. Is MyTransgenderDate working and can you find someone there?

Yes, MyTransgenderDate is working and it can be a great place to find someone. The website has been around since 2014 and boasts over 100,000 members from all over the world. It provides an inclusive environment for transgender people who are looking for relationships or friendships with other trans individuals. With its extensive search filters you can narrow down your options to meet someone that fits what you’re looking for in terms of gender identity, age range, location and more. Additionally they offer many features such as private messaging so users have control of their conversations while still being able to connect with others on the site easily. Overall this platform offers a safe space where transgender people can come together without fear of judgement or discrimination – making it easier than ever before to make meaningful connections online!


MyTransgenderDate is a great dating app for transgender individuals. It has been designed to provide users with an easy and secure way of finding partners for dates. The design and usability are both excellent, making it very user-friendly. Safety and security features ensure that all members can use the site without any worries or concerns about their privacy being compromised in any way. Help and support options are also available should you need assistance while using the platform, as well as extensive FAQs which cover most topics related to MyTransgenderDate usage guidelines. Lastly, user profile quality is high; profiles have detailed information regarding each member’s gender identity/expression preferences so potential matches know exactly what they’re looking for before initiating contact with someone else on the platform

In conclusion, MyTransgenderDate offers an excellent service tailored specifically towards transgender individuals who want to find compatible partners online safely and securely – its design & usability make navigating through this website effortless; safety & security measures guarantee no data breaches will occur; help & support services answer questions quickly if needed; plus lastly its user profile quality ensures everyone knows what type of person they’re talking too before getting into anything serious! All in all we highly recommend giving this app a try – whether you’re just starting out your journey or already experienced within the community there’s something here for everyone!

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Author Sandra Gray

Sandra Gray is an experienced writer and digital marketer who specializes in creating content for dating sites and apps. She has written numerous reviews on the latest dating sites and apps, helping others to make informed decisions about which ones to join and use. With her extensive knowledge of the online dating industry, she offers honest and unbiased opinions that have proven invaluable to readers. When she isn't writing, Sandra enjoys spending time with her family and exploring the outdoors.