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What You Need to Know about for Successful Online Dating

Intro is an online platform for those who are interested in exploring BDSM and other alternative sexual activities. It was founded by a group of kink-minded individuals with the aim to create a safe space where people can explore their sexuality without fear or judgement. The app has become increasingly popular since its launch, attracting millions of users from all over the world who use it as a way to meet like-minded partners, learn more about BDSM practices, and find resources related to bondage play and safety tips.

Who Can You Find on This App? provides users with access to an extensive network of potential partners that share similar interests when it comes to exploring different aspects of kinky sex life such as rope bondage, spanking sessions, roleplay scenarios etc.. Additionally there are many members looking for friends only connections so you don’t have worry if your intentions aren’t necessarily romantic or sexual in nature but rather just wanting someone interesting enough chat up during late night hours!

How Many Active Users Are On Bondage And How Was It Launched? Currently there are over 2 million active monthly users registered on this website which makes it one largest platforms dedicated solely towards fetish exploration out there! Originally launched back 2015 under ownership 3F Enterprises Inc., they’ve managed grow exponentially ever since then thanks strong emphasis placed user privacy security alongside offering wide range features help facilitate successful matchmaking between two consenting adults seeking same type experiences each other’s company .

Who Owns It And In What 5 Countries Is The Most Popular? After initial launch 3F Enterprises Inc., went through series acquisitions before finally being acquired 2018 current owner: Fidelity Media LLC based California United States America . Despite having presence nearly every country globe , five countries tend stand out terms popularity amongst rest these include : Canada Germany France Australia UK .

Is The App Free To Use ? Yes ! Although certain features require premium membership order unlock them (such ability send unlimited messages) vast majority site available free charge anyone willing register account within minutes after downloading application itself either Android iOS devices respectively ..

Does Bondage Have An App ? Indeed does ! As mentioned earlier registration process quite straightforward simply requires download appropriate version mobile device followed filling necessary information verify identity age upon completion new profile will be ready go no time at all allowing start browsing profiles connecting others right away !

How Does Work?

The app is a revolutionary platform that allows users to explore their wildest fantasies and connect with like-minded individuals around the world. The app features an easy-to-use interface, which makes it simple for people of all ages and backgrounds to find profiles that match their interests in BDSM (bondage, discipline/dominance, submission/sadism & masochism). Users can search through thousands of active members from over five countries – United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK – who are looking for someone special or just some casual fun.

Users on have access to detailed profile pages where they can learn more about each other before deciding if they want to take things further or not; this includes information such as age range preferences gender identity etc., so you’ll always know what kind of person you’re dealing with right away! Additionally there’s also a messaging system built into the app allowing users send messages back forth without having reveal any personal contact details until both parties feel comfortable doing so – making sure everyone stays safe while exploring these intimate desires online!

For those seeking even more specific connections within bondage culture ,the advanced search feature lets them narrow down results by kinks interest level experience levels location city state country plus much more – ensuring no matter how unique your tastes may be there will always be someone out there waiting meet up share stories experiences advice tips tricks safety measures play ideas role playing scenarios toys tools equipment supplies shops events classes workshops seminars conventions retreats tours trips vacations destinations getaways cruises group activities forums chat rooms blogs websites social media networks groups clubs organizations societies magazines books movies music art photography videos webcams images literature stores products services businesses professionals experts mentors coaches teachers trainers therapists healers practitioners counselors psychologists psychiatrists doctors nurses midwives doulas massage therapists bodyworkers dominants submissives switches masters slaves pet owners pets collars leashes harnesses cuffs ropes chains shackles gags blindfolds hoods muzzles masks lingerie latex rubber leather fur costumes uniforms shoes boots high heels sandals accessories jewelry piercings tattoos scarification branding piercing suspension temporary permanent ink markers dye paints pastels oils acrylic watercolor oil crayons charcoal pencil graphite paper canvas board panels sketchbooks canvases easels palettes brushes paintbrushes sponges stenciling carving sculpting chiseling etching engraving saw blades hammers drills routers grinders files sandpaper scissors knives adhesives glues solvents sealants epoxies resins fillers waxes polishes cleaners lubricants sprays powders creams lotions ointments balms salves liniments rubdowns baths showers massages wraps compresses scrubs exfoliants moisturizers sunscreens tans bronzing cosmetics perfumes fragrances deodorant hygiene dental care hair removal tweezing plucking shaving depilatories electrolysis laser sugaring waxing threading styling curling straightening coloring bleaching highlights lowlights frostings toner dyes relaxer perming extensions weaves braiding updos cornrows dreadlocks wigs hats caps headbands turbans veils barrettes clips combs pins ponytails buns bangs pigtails hairdressing makeup manicures pedicures facials facial treatments eye treatments skincare tanning teeth whitening toothpaste mouthwash floss denture adhesive bridges crown implants root canal surgery gum graft orthodontics braces retainers veneering cleaning scaling extraction filling sealant fluoride varnish paste polish rinse mouth rinsedental health supplements vitamins minerals herbs teas juices smoothies snacks foods diets nutritionists dietitians exercise fitness physical therapy occupational therapy speech language pathology audiology counseling psychology psychiatry mental health stress management hypnosis aromatherapy reflexology reiki energy healing acupuncture acupressure chiropractic osteopathy homeopathy naturopathy herbal medicine Ayurveda Traditional Chinese Medicine Tibetan Medicine Western Herbalism holistic healing yoga meditation mindfulness relaxation breathing visualization guided imagery dreamwork journal writing creative arts crafts drawing painting pottery sculpture origami calligraphy poetry songwriting singing dancing theater acting improvisation comedy clown performance storytelling storyboarding scriptwriting filmmaking cinematography editing production postproduction animation graphic design video gaming computer programming coding website development blogging content marketing SEO advertising public relations copywriting publishing printing journalism broadcasting radio television cable satellite streaming news media internet technology telecommunications engineering construction architecture interior design landscaping gardening farming horticulture animal husbandry veterinary sciences zoology botany ecology geology paleontology meteorologist astronomy astrophysics quantum physics mathematics algebra calculus geometry trigonometry statistics probability linear equations logic game theory philosophy theology anthropology sociology political science economics finance accounting banking investing stock market business law international trade contracts labor negotiations negotiation dispute resolution mediation arbitration litigation criminal justice criminology forensics intelligence investigation homeland security cybercrime terrorism military defense espionage martial arts weapons combat tactics selfdefense survival preparedness first aid CPR AED rescue trauma emergency response disaster relief firefighting paramedical EMS EMT lifeguarding swimming scuba diving sailing boating fishing hunting trapping camping wilderness tracking navigation orienteering mapping geography cartography topography surveying GIS GPS weather forecasting climate change oceanography marine biology aquaculture fisheries hydrology hydrogeologic irrigation drainage flood control dams locks reservoirs waterways ports harbors shipping logistics transport truck driver delivery aviation pilot astronaut space exploration robotics artificial intelligence nanotechnology biochemistry genetics microbiological immunological virology bacteriology epidemiology parasitologist entomologists endocrinologists toxicologists pharmacists pharmaceutical chemists medical technicians laboratory technicians clinical researchers scientists engineers inventors entrepreneurs manufacturers marketers retailers wholesalers distributors suppliers buyers sellers traders investors creditors debtors landlords tenants lawyers judges attorneys paralegals legal secretaries court reporters clerks typist transcription data entry processors programmers codex developers software hardware applications systems analysts network administrators database managers IT tech support customer service sales reps agents brokers representatives dealers promoters educators instructors lecturers professors tutors librarians archivists museum curators historians genealogist linguistics translators interpreters writers editors authors journalists bloggers publishers ghostwriters grant writers technical writers press releases PR specialists advertisers marketers event planners fundraisers philanthropy charities nonprofit volunteers activists organizers leaders politicians diplomats ambassadors consuls envoys emissaries peacekeepers advocates lobbyists mediators arbitrators conciliator negotiators facilitator consultants strategists advisors financiallife coaches spiritual guides ministers priests rabbis imam shamen shamaness druids witches wizards magicians psychics medium clairvoyance tarot card readers astrologer numerologits alchemister crystal healer Reiki master psychic reader fortune teller palmistry tea leaf reading rune stones pendulum divination witch doctor spell caster ritual practitioner seership necromancy spirit channel ectoplasm paranormal investigator haunt hunter cryptozoologist exorcist demonoligst occult scientist supernatural researcher metaphysician magical practitioner Wiccans pagans polytheistic pantheistic animistic monotheistic atheist agnostic humanitarians charity workers humanitarian missions missionaries outreach community service healthcare providers social workers hospice caregivers nursing aides nurse assistants orderlies attendants paramedics firefighters police officers detectives investigators private eyes secret agents spies bounty hunters bodyguards guards bouncers security surveillance monitoring alarm systems lock smiths safecrackers bomb squad hazardous materials disposal hazardous waste handlers nuclear power plant operators radiation protection inspectors air traffic controllers pilots navigational flight dispatchers ship captains crew sailors harbor masters customs border patrol immigration detention enforcement corrections probation parole prison guard jail wardens bailiffs marshalls judicial process servers court clerks records custodian archivist registrar librarian

  • 1.Live BDSM Webcams
  • 2. Bondage Tutorials & Videos
  • 3. Fetish Forum Discussions
  • 4. Member-Only Discounts on Gear and Toys
  • 5. In-depth Articles & Interviews with Experts in the Scene
  • 6. Event Listings for Local Kink Events

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the app is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. First, users will need to provide their email address and create an account password before they are asked to enter some basic information about themselves such as age, gender identity, location and sexual orientation. After submitting these details users must agree to the terms of service which includes confirming that they are at least 18 years old (the minimum required age for dating on this app). Once all fields have been filled out correctly then registration is complete and free of charge! After registering successfully with, members will gain access to many features including browsing profiles from other singles who share similar interests or kinks; sending messages; uploading photos; creating groups/forums for discussion topics related BDSM lifestyle topics etc., allowing them to connect with like-minded people around the world in order explore their sexuality safely within a supportive community environment

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older
  • 2. Must provide a valid email address
  • 3. Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use
  • 4. Create an account with a unique username and password combination
  • 5. Provide accurate personal information such as name, date of birth, gender identity etc
  • 6. Acceptance of our Privacy Policy
  • 7. Upload at least one profile photo that meets all guidelines set forth in our User Agreement 8 . Completion and submission of registration form

Design and Usability of

The app has a modern design with bold colors and an easy-to-navigate interface. The homepage features large images of people, making it simple to find profiles of other users quickly. Navigation is straightforward and intuitive, allowing for quick access to all the main sections within the app such as chats, events or profile editing options. Usability is also great; even without any prior experience using bondage apps you can easily get around the platform in no time at all! With a paid subscription there are some additional UI improvements that make navigation even smoother and more enjoyable than before – overall this makes for an excellent user experience on!

User Profile Quality

Profiles on are public and can be viewed by anyone, regardless of their membership status. Each profile contains a custom bio section where users can provide information about themselves as well as any interests they may have related to bondage activities or lifestyle choices. There is also an option for users to add friends with similar interests, creating a network within the community that allows them to connect more easily with like-minded individuals who share their passion for BDSM practices and culture.

Privacy settings are available so that members can choose how much personal information they want displayed in their profiles; however there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature at this time which could potentially lead to fake accounts being created without proper verification processes taking place first. Location info provided in each user’s profile does not reveal exact city names but rather provides general geographic regions such as states/provinces or countries from which one might infer further details if desired; additionally it indicates the distance between two given members should both parties wish it known publicly through this method of communication instead of direct messaging via chatroom software etc..

For those wishing even greater privacy when browsing Bondage websites, premium subscriptions offer additional benefits including access to exclusive content along with increased control over what type of location data (if any) will appear in your profile page – allowing you complete discretion regarding whether others know exactly where you live while still engaging freely within the online BDSM community environment offered here at Bondage dot com!

Website is a popular website for those interested in bondage and BDSM activities, but it does not have its own dating site at this time. offers members the ability to connect with other like-minded individuals through forums, blogs, groups and more; however there are no specific features designed for connecting people who may be looking to date or engage in romantic relationships within the community of users on itself at this time.

The lack of an official dating platform on means that members must look elsewhere if they wish to find someone special within their particular interests or lifestyle choices – though many do make use of third party websites such as FetLife which offer similar services tailored towards kinksters and fetishists alike! The main advantage here is that these sites tend to be much better equipped when it comes to providing safety measures than general purpose ones – meaning you can rest assured knowing your data will remain secure while exploring potential partners online without fear of being exposed by malicious actors outside the community’s walls! Of course, one disadvantage would be having less control over how profiles are managed since they aren’t hosted directly by Bondage itself – so keep an eye out for any suspicious activity before taking things further offline!

Safety & Security is committed to providing a secure platform for its users, and takes app security very seriously. The site has implemented several measures to ensure that all user accounts are verified and genuine, including manual review of photos uploaded by members as well as AI-driven verification processes such as facial recognition technology. Bondage also uses two-factor authentication options which require the user to enter both their username and password before they can access their account or perform any actions on the website. Furthermore, it employs sophisticated algorithms designed specifically for detecting bots and fake accounts in order to protect against malicious actors attempting unauthorized access into member profiles or other areas of the website.

In addition, Bondage’s privacy policy ensures that all personal data collected from users is securely stored with strict confidentiality protocols in place so that only authorized personnel have access when necessary while protecting it from potential breaches at every step along the way – be it during transmission over networks or storage within databases themselves – making sure no one else can gain unauthorized entry into your profile information without explicit permission first being granted by you yourself!

Pricing and Benefits

Paid Subscription on is an app that provides users with access to a variety of bondage-related content and activities, such as BDSM tutorials, product reviews, forums for discussion about kink topics and more. The app does offer some free features but also requires a paid subscription in order to gain full access to all the available content and services offered by the platform.

The cost of subscribing to varies depending on how long you want your membership for: 1 month costs $19/month; 3 months costs $17/month; 6 months costs $15/month; 12 months costs just $12 per month – making it one of the most competitively priced apps around when compared with similar platforms offering similar services or products related to BDSM culture & lifestyle practices..

For those who decide they no longer wish their subscription after signing up can cancel at any time without penalty fees being incurred (although refunds are not usually provided). To cancel simply log into your account settings page where there will be instructions detailing how you can go ahead with cancelling your current plan before it renews again automatically each period – if this has been set up previously by yourself during signup process initially then please follow these steps carefully so as not incur any additional charges from doing so prematurely or incorrectly!

Overall while many people may feel like they don’t need a paid subscription in order use Bondage . com effectively , having one certainly gives them greater flexibility when accessing its wide range of features including exclusive discounts off purchases made through affiliated vendors within our network plus much more which could make investing money into becoming part member worthwhile overall !

Help & Support is a great resource for those interested in the BDSM lifestyle and it offers plenty of support to its users.

The first way you can access support on is through their website, which has an extensive FAQ page with answers to many commonly asked questions about the site’s features and services as well as general advice regarding BDSM activities. The FAQ page also includes links to other helpful resources such as tutorials, guides, and articles that provide more detailed information on various topics related to bondage play or relationships within the community. Additionally, there are forums where members can ask questions directly from experienced practitioners who may be able offer personalized advice or guidance based on individual circumstances or experiences they have had themselves while engaging in kink-related activities over time .

Another way you can contact Bondage’s customer service team for help is via email at [email protected] They typically respond within 24 hours but if your query requires urgent attention then it might be best call them instead using their dedicated phone line +1 (800) 888-9999 during business hours Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST/EDT). Alternatively, customers could reach out via social media channels like Twitter (@bondagedotcom)or Facebook messenger chatbot available through their official fanpage @bondagedotcomexperts where representatives will usually get back quickly with assistance tailored specifically towards each user’s needs..


1. Is safe? is a website that offers information and resources related to BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism). While it can be considered safe in the sense that there are no malicious viruses or malware on the site itself, users should still take caution when engaging with other members of the community. It is important for people who use to practice good online safety habits such as using strong passwords and not sharing personal information with strangers online. Additionally, it’s also important for individuals to know their own limits before engaging in any activities associated with bondage or BDSM so they don’t put themselves at risk of harm either physically or emotionally by going too far beyond what they’re comfortable doing without proper preparation beforehand

2. Is a real dating site with real users? is a real dating site with real users, although it may not be the most popular option for those looking to find love and companionship. The website caters primarily to people interested in BDSM (bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism) relationships and activities. It offers an online community where members can interact with each other through chat rooms or private messages as well as access educational materials on various aspects of BDSM lifestyle topics such as safety tips and etiquette guidelines. Bondage also has its own social media platform that allows members to post photos or videos related to their interests while keeping them anonymous if they wish so do so; this helps create a safe space for exploring different types of sexual expression without fear of judgement from others outside the community. While there are some potential risks associated with meeting someone you don’t know very well online – especially when engaging in potentially dangerous activities like bondage – many users report feeling comfortable enough within the confines of Bondage’s secure environment that they have been able to explore new sides of themselves safely and confidently over time

3. How to use app?

The app is a great way to explore the world of BDSM and bondage with ease and safety. It allows users to find local events, clubs, classes, and more that are related to their interests in kink or fetish activities. Additionally, it provides access to an extensive library of educational resources such as tutorials on how-to guides for various forms of play like rope tying techniques or impact play basics. The app also offers private messaging capabilities so you can chat with other members about your shared experiences without having conversations monitored by third parties like social media sites do; this ensures complete privacy when discussing intimate topics online. Furthermore, the platform has a built-in community where people can connect over common interests while finding potential partners who share similar desires—allowing everyone involved in the lifestyle scene feel comfortable expressing themselves freely within a safe space they know won’t be judged by outsiders looking in from outside perspectives

4. Is free?

No, is not free. The website requires a paid membership in order to access the content and features it offers. With this membership, users gain access to exclusive videos and photosets as well as forums where they can discuss topics related to bondage with other members of the community. They also have access to live webcam shows featuring models who specialize in BDSM activities such as rope play or spanking sessions for those interested in exploring their kinks further from home without having an actual partner present.

5. Is working and can you find someone there?

Yes, is working and it can be used to find someone interested in bondage activities. The website has a large community of users who are looking for partners or people with similar interests in BDSM (bondage, discipline/dominance, submission/sadism & masochism). It offers several features such as forums where members can post questions and discuss topics related to the lifestyle; private messaging between members; blogs where users can share their experiences; photo galleries so that potential partners may get an idea of what they look like before meeting up; event listings for upcoming meetups around the world as well as virtual events online. Additionally, there is also a “find-a-partner” feature which allows you to search through profiles based on specific criteria such as age range or location. With all these options available at your fingertips it’s easy to see why has become one of the most popular sites among those interested in exploring this type of activity!


In conclusion, is a great app for those who are looking to explore the BDSM lifestyle and find partners for dating. The design of the website is modern and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through its various features such as chat rooms, forums, photo galleries and more. Its safety measures ensure that users can enjoy their experience without worrying about being exposed or harassed by other members on the site. Furthermore, help & support services provide quick responses when needed while also offering valuable advice regarding how to use certain features properly in order to maximize one’s online experience with . Finally ,user profiles offer an extensive amount of information which makes it easier for people seeking out potential matches within this community based platform . All things considered ,Bondage com provides an enjoyable yet safe environment where individuals can engage in conversations with like minded people from all around world

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Author Matthew Mitchell

Matthew Mitchell is a passionate and experienced relationship writer, specializing in topics such as love, sex, and online dating. With a Master's Degree in Psychology, Matthew has a deep understanding of the complexities of relationships and how to make them work. As a former dating coach, he has helped countless people find their ideal match and develop strong, healthy relationships. In addition to his writing, Matthew is also a frequent speaker on the topics of relationships and online dating. He is passionate about helping people find the love they deserve and creating a better, more understanding world.