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Feabie.com Review: What You Need to Know


Feabie.com is an online platform that provides a safe and secure environment for plus-size people to connect with one another, make friends, find dates or even build relationships. It was launched in 2015 by Feabie LLC as the first social network specifically designed for those who identify themselves as fat admirers (FA) and big beautiful women/men (BBW/BHM). The app has become increasingly popular since its launch due to its unique features which provide users with a wide range of options when it comes to connecting with likeminded individuals from all over the world.

The target audience of Feabie includes anyone looking for companionship or friendship within their size community – regardless if they are BBWs, BHMs, FAs or simply someone interested in getting connected through this platform. With more than 1 million active members worldwide – mostly located in US , UK , Canada , Australia & Germany – Feabie offers an array of opportunities ranging from dating profiles creation up until group chats organization between multiple users at once .
Feabies’s main goal is not only helping plus-sized singles meet each other but also providing them access into various events organized throughout different cities around the globe such as parties hosted exclusively on their website where everyone can come together and have fun without feeling judged based on their body type .

Users can register onto this app either via Facebook account authentication process or by creating new accounts directly using email address provided during registration phase . All personal information will be kept private unless user decides otherwise upon completing profile setup procedure after successful signup process completion so there’s no need worry about any potential data leakage issues while using service offered by feebles team .

In addition to being available free of charge across iOS & Android platforms application version allows customers take advantage out numerous additional features unavailable through desktop version including real time notifications regarding messages received from other contacts instantaneously along live chat support feature making communication much easier faster compared traditional text messaging methods used prior introduction mobile apps market segmentation strategy employed company back 2017 period

How Does Feabie.com Work?

Feabie.com is an app that connects people with a shared interest in gaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It allows users to find profiles of like-minded individuals, as well as share their own experiences on the platform. The app offers different types of user accounts – from regular members who can create posts, comment on others’ posts and upload pictures; to premium subscribers who have access to additional features such as private messaging and video chat capabilities. With over 5 million active users worldwide, Feabie has become one of the most popular social networks for health enthusiasts around the world – particularly those looking for support or advice related to dieting or exercise regimes.

Finding profiles on Feabie is easy: simply use either basic search filters (age range, location etc.) or advanced search criteria (body type preferences) which will narrow down your results further so you can find more suitable matches quickly and easily without having too much trouble navigating through hundreds of pages! You also have options when it comes to communication between members – you can send messages privately if desired; otherwise all conversations are publically viewable by other users within your network allowing everyone involved in discussions about topics they care about get engaged together even easier than before!

The majority of Feabie’s user base consists primarily fitness fanatics from North America followed closely by Europe then Asia Pacific regions respectively making up nearly 70% overall population online at any given time throughout day/night cycles respectively depending upon where peak hours fall into place during respective times zones across globe simultaneously speaking volumes towards success rate this application continues maintain globally regardless what continent its used frequently due popularity amongst many demographic groups today now days alike no matter how far away each individual may be located geographically speaking regarding physical distance traveled versus digital connectivity made possible via internet technology available widely accessible anyone interested using service provided here specifically designed meet needs customers willing try out new way connecting friends family same interests hobbies activities outside ordinary life style routines normally associated daily lives average person living modern society these days whether young old doesn’t really make difference anymore because opportunities limitless possibilities endless regard what able accomplish once signed up member account ready go explore wide open virtual world awaits waiting discover hidden secrets treasures buried deep inside vastness depths oceanic data stored servers behind scenes powering entire operation 24/7 365 nonstop never stopping running break downtime whatsoever anytime soon foreseeable future looks bright shining star horizon beckoning come closer look see firsthand exactly why became instant hit moment launched market first appeared scene back year 2013 revolutionizing landscape forever since then continuously growing ever expanding reach every corner planet Earth inhabited humans present day current era live peacefully coexist harmony along side nature environment surrounding us collective whole betterment humanity moving forward progress always end goal sight eye perspective long run result being positive outcome mutual benefit both sides equation win situation everybody wins nobody loses

  • 1.Private photo albums: Members can create private photo albums to store and share their photos with other members.
  • 2. Video chat rooms: Feabie offers video chat rooms for members to connect in real-time with others who have similar interests or backgrounds.
  • 3. Customizable profiles: Members can customize their profile page, including adding a bio, favorite quotes, and more information about themselves that they want other users to know about them.
  • 4. Activity feed & messaging system: The activity feed allows users to post updates on what’s going on in the community as well as send messages directly from within the site itself without having an external email address attached it .
  • 5

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Feabie.com app is a straightforward process that requires minimal information from users. To begin, you will need to provide your email address and create a username and password for your account. You must also indicate whether you are registering as an individual or couple, select which gender(s) you are interested in dating/meeting with, specify what type of relationship (e.g., friendship only) interests you most, enter your age (you must be at least 18 years old), and choose if want to receive emails about special offers from Feabie’s partners sites or not . After submitting these details through the registration form provided by the site, users can start exploring all its features immediately without having to wait for their accounts to be approved first – it’s free! Once registered on this platform they have access different sections such as “Groups” where people can join conversations related topics like food recipes; “Events & Meetups” section allows them search upcoming events near their location; "Forums" gives members opportunity discuss various topics related lifestyle preferences etc.. In addition there is also possibility view profiles other members who match user’s criteria find potential matches quickly easily using advanced search filters available website mobile application version service too

  • 1.Create a valid email address
  • 2. Provide accurate personal information such as name, age and gender
  • 3. Choose a username that is not already taken
  • 4. Agree to the terms of service
  • 5. Set up an account password with at least 8 characters including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number or special character
  • 6. Upload profile picture (optional)
  • 7. Verify your identity by providing proof of identification if requested by Feabie staff 8 . Accept push notifications from Feabie

Design and Usability of Feabie.com

The Feabie.com app has a modern design with colors that are easy on the eyes, such as blues and greens. The profile pages have an attractive layout which is pleasing to look at while also being organized in a way that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for quickly. It’s simple to search for other people by their interests or location, making finding profiles of others effortless. The usability of the app is excellent; all features are intuitively placed and easily accessible from any page within the application itself so users can navigate without difficulty or confusion. There are no UI improvements when purchasing a paid subscription but there may be additional benefits associated with doing so such as increased visibility or access to exclusive content not available otherwise

User Profile Quality

Feabie.com is a social network for people who are interested in gaining and/or maintaining an ideal weight, fitness level or lifestyle. The user profiles on Feabie are public and can be viewed by anyone registered with the site, as well as visitors to the website without registering. You can set a custom bio which will appear at the top of your profile page along with any images you upload that represent yourself best. There is also a “friends” feature where users may add each other if they wish to do so, allowing them access to more information about one another than what appears publicly on their profiles such as private messages etc..

Privacy settings available include making certain parts of your profile visible only to friends or invisible altogether depending upon personal preference; there isn’t however currently any sign-in option using Google or Facebook accounts but this could change in future updates of course! Fake accounts have been known exist unfortunately though it’s not too common due location info being included within all member’s profiles – these details reveal city name (not exact address) plus how far away from each other members live when viewing others’ pages although it should be noted that users may choose whether they want their location data revealed via privacy settings if desired!

Premium subscription holders benefit from additional features including unlimited messaging capacity amongst many others; having said this free account holders still get plenty out of Feabie too even without upgrading membership status – overall creating an attractive package for those looking for likeminded individuals online who share similar interests & goals related towards health & wellness alike!


Feabie.com is a dating website that allows users to find and connect with like-minded individuals in their area. The site offers several features, such as profile creation, messaging capabilities, photo sharing options and even the ability to create custom groups for members who share similar interests or hobbies. One of the main advantages of Feabie.com is its wide range of user profiles; it caters to people from all walks of life regardless of age or gender identity/expression preferences – making it an inclusive platform for everyone looking for love online! Additionally, there are no restrictions on how many messages you can send out at once which makes communication much easier than other sites where this feature may be limited or unavailable altogether.

The difference between Feabie’s website and app lies mainly in terms usability: while both offer access to all core functions available on the web version (profile setup etc.), using them through mobile devices gives more convenience when accessing these services away from home – allowing users greater flexibility over when they use their account without compromising quality control standards set by Feabie themselves regarding security protocols & data protection policies applied across both platforms alike.. Unfortunately however currently there isn’t any dating site associated with feebies but we hope one day soon they will have one too so that people can take advantage off its great features .

Safety & Security

Feabie.com is a social networking platform for people with an interest in the feederism and fat admiration lifestyle, so it takes app security very seriously. To ensure that all users are real individuals, Feabie has implemented several verification methods such as email address validation, phone number authentication and profile photo approval before allowing access to its services. All photos uploaded by members must be manually reviewed by moderators to make sure they comply with the site’s terms of service; no AI-based facial recognition software is used here. Additionally, two-factor authentication can also be enabled for extra protection against malicious actors trying to gain unauthorized access into user accounts on Feabie’s website or mobile application. Furthermore, advanced anti-bot technology helps identify fake profiles created using automated scripts which are then removed from the system promptly after detection .

In order to protect its users’ privacy rights while ensuring compliance with applicable laws worldwide , Feabie follows a comprehensive Privacy Policy designed specifically around their needs . This policy outlines how personal data collected through various means will be stored securely , what type of information may or may not shared publicly , and how long certain types of data will remain active within their systems . It also covers details regarding opt – out options available should any user wish not have his/her account tracked anymore at any point during usage time frame specified therein

Pricing and Benefits

Feabie.com is a social networking app for people who are into the feederism lifestyle, which involves gaining and being gained on in size. The basic version of Feabie is free to use but there are also paid subscription options available that offer additional features such as access to private chat rooms, more profile customization options, and priority customer support.

The premium membership plans start at $7 per month with discounts if you sign up for longer periods of time (3 months = $18; 6 months = $30). These prices seem competitive when compared to other similar apps offering extra services like this one does.

If users decide they no longer want their paid subscription they can cancel it anytime through their account settings or by contacting customer service directly via email or phone call within 30 days after purchase date in order to receive a full refund (minus any applicable transaction fees). Cancellations made after the first 30 days will not be eligible for refunds unless otherwise stated in writing from Feabie’s Customer Service department prior to cancellation request submission date/time stamp(s) .

Overall, whether users choose the free version or opt-in for one of the premium subscriptions depends entirely on what kind of experience they would like out of using Feabie – those looking just wanting an easy way connect with others may find that even without paying anything at all still offers enough value while those looking something more might benefit from getting a paid plan so that they have access certain exclusive features only offered through these plans..

Help & Support

Feabie.com is a website that offers support to its users in various ways. The first way you can access help on Feabie is through their Support page, which contains information about how to use the site and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page also includes links for contacting customer service via email or phone if your question isn’t answered by the FAQs. The response time from customer service varies depending on the issue but generally they are very prompt with responding within 24 hours of contact being made.

Another way you can get assistance on Feabie is by posting a message in one of their forums where other members may be able to answer your query or provide advice based upon their own experiences using the site. Additionally, there are moderators who monitor these forums and will step in when needed should any issues arise between members while discussing topics related to Feabie’s services or policies.

Finally, it’s worth noting that all new accounts created at Feabie come with an automated onboarding process which provides helpful tips and guidance as well as answering some common queries regarding usage of certain features such as messaging people etc., so this could prove useful if you’re just getting started out! All-in-all accessing support from staff at feeblie seems quite straightforward – whether it’s directly through them via email/phone call/forums; reading up FAQS;or utilising automatic onboarding processes – making sure users have all necessary tools available for successful navigation around feeblie platform


1. Is Feabie.com safe?

Feabie.com is a social networking website that caters to people who are interested in gaining and/or maintaining an ideal weight, as well as those with eating disorders or body image issues. The site has been designed to be safe for users of all ages and backgrounds, so it can be considered relatively safe overall. Feabie takes measures such as not allowing profanity or explicit content on the platform, moderating conversations between members when necessary, having moderators available 24 hours a day to respond quickly if any inappropriate behavior occurs online; they also have strict policies about sharing personal information which helps protect user privacy. Additionally, there are various safety features built into the website including two-factor authentication (2FA) which adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to enter their phone number each time they log in from another device than usual; this ensures only authorized individuals access your account even if someone else knows your password details. All these measures make Feabie one of the safest social networks out there today for anyone looking for support around health goals and lifestyle changes without fear of harassment or exploitation

2. Is Feabie.com a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Feabie.com is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular online social networks for those interested in gaining or maintaining their ideal weight and fitness goals. The website offers its members a safe place to meet other like-minded individuals who are looking for companionship, friendship, support and even romance through various activities such as chat rooms, forums and blogs where they can discuss health topics that interest them. Additionally there are also opportunities to find potential partners on the site through mutual interests shared by both parties – whether it be related to food preferences or lifestyle choices – making it an effective way of connecting people from all walks of life together regardless of size or shape!

3. How to use Feabie.com app?

Feabie.com is an app designed to help people with a particular interest in gaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, specifically for those who identify as fat admirers or Big Beautiful Women (BBW). The app allows users to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world through its social networking platform. With Feabie, you can create your own profile where you can post pictures of yourself and share stories about your life experiences that relate to being plus size or BBW. You also have access to chat rooms where members discuss topics related to body positivity, health tips, dating advice and more! Additionally, there are various groups available on the site which allow users who share similar interests such as fitness goals or food preferences join together in order exchange ideas and support one another’s progress towards their desired outcomes. Finally, Feabie has recently added features that make it easier than ever before for people looking for romance by allowing them search profiles based on age range location proximity filters so they can find potential partners nearby if they choose too! All these tools combined make Feabie an invaluable resource anyone interested living healthier lives while connecting with others along same journey!

4. Is Feabie.com free?

Yes, Feabie.com is free to use. It provides a platform for people who are interested in the feederism and fat admiration lifestyle to connect with one another. The website allows users to create profiles, post pictures, comment on other members’ posts and even send private messages or join group chats with others that share similar interests. With its easy-to-use interface and variety of features available at no cost, it’s an ideal place for anyone looking for companionship within this niche community.

5. Is Feabie.com working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Feabie.com is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has a large community of people who are interested in connecting with others for friendship or dating purposes. It provides an easy-to-use platform where users can search for other members based on their interests, location, age range and more. Users also have the option to join groups that share similar interests as them so they can connect with likeminded individuals from around the world. With its wide variety of features and tools available, Feabie makes it easier than ever before to meet new people online without having to leave your home or office!


In conclusion, Feabie.com is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are quite good, making it easy to navigate around the website or mobile application with ease. The safety and security features of the site are also excellent; users can feel secure knowing that their personal information will remain safe from third-party accesses or malicious actors online. Additionally, help and support options provided by Feabie’s team ensure that any issues encountered while using the platform can be quickly resolved without hassle. Finally, user profile quality on this platform is generally high as most profiles have been verified before being approved by moderators ensuring only genuine people use this service for its intended purpose – finding romantic partners online safely! All in all, we believe Feabie provides an overall positive experience when looking to find potential dates through its services!

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Author Brandon Smith

Brandon Smith is a passionate writer and relationship expert. He has a degree in psychology and a Master's in Counseling. He has been writing about love and relationships for over a decade, providing advice and insights to singles, couples, and families. Brandon believes that relationships are the foundation of any happy and healthy life, and he wants to help people build strong and lasting connections with one another. He is always looking for new ways to combine his expertise with his love for writing to help others find the joy and fulfillment that comes from strong relationships.