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Yubo Review: Is It The Right Choice For You In 2023?


Yubo is a social media platform that connects people from all over the world. It was launched in 2015 as an app for teenagers and young adults to meet new friends, chat with them, share photos and videos, and more. The Yubo app has become increasingly popular since its launch due to its user-friendly interface which allows users of any age group or gender identity to join in on the fun.

The main target audience of Yubo are teenagers aged 13 – 25 years old who want to connect with other likeminded individuals online through shared interests such as music, sports or fashion trends etc., but anyone can use it regardless of their age group or gender identity if they wish so. With over 50 million active users worldwide (as reported by Statista), this mobile application has gained immense popularity among teens around the globe especially in countries like France where it’s been ranked #1 most downloaded lifestyle app according to App Annie’s report published last year 2020! Yubo is owned by Twelve APP SAS based out of Paris which also owns another successful dating/social networking website called "Twoo". This free-to-use platform offers many features including live streaming video chats; instant messaging services; private conversations between two people only; creating groups & events within communities etc.. Users have access both via web browser version at yuobapp[dot]com OR download iOS / Android apps directly from Apple Store / Google Play store respectively depending upon their device type preference . Registration process involves signing up using your email address OR connecting your existing Facebook account details after providing basic information about yourself i.e name , date birth ,gender & location ! Once you’re done setting up profile then you can start exploring different options available thereon ei: finding nearby friends ; making connections globally ; joining public chat rooms & much more …

How Does Yubo Work?

Yubo is a social networking app that allows users to connect with friends and strangers from around the world. It offers an easy way for people of all ages to meet new people, find friends, chat in groups or one-on-one conversations. The key features of Yubo include live streaming capabilities so you can broadcast yourself and watch others; swipe cards which let you browse through profiles quickly; direct messaging options for private conversations; group chats where multiple users can talk at once about shared interests; virtual gifts that allow you to show appreciation for someone’s profile or conversation topic as well as games like quizzes and trivia challenges.

Finding profiles on Yubo is simple – just use the search bar at the top of your screen! You can filter by age range, gender identity, location (country/region), language spoken etc., making it easier than ever before to find potential connections who share similar interests with you. There are also different types of user accounts available: regular accounts created by individuals looking make new friendships online while verified ones belong celebrities & influencers who have been approved by Yubo staff after verifying their identity documents & other information provided during registration process . Currently there are over 10 million active monthly users across 5 countries including USA , UK , France , Canada & Australia .

For those interested in finding more specific communities within this platform they may join themed “rooms” – these rooms offer members access exclusive content related topics such us music festivals discussion boards sports teams gaming clans etcetera allowing them engage directly each other about what matters most them without fear judgement being judged outside parties involved conversation threads held inside room itself . In addition creating own custom room requires minimal effort since only need pick name description type membership rules desired invite select few contacts already added contact list start sharing ideas experiences immediately afterwards

The main purpose behind developing this application was provide safe space young adults teenagers explore internet safely get know fellow peers learn valuable lessons life form lasting relationships along way however due its expansive reach now used much wider demographic audiences ranging anywhere between 18 years old 80+ year olds depending upon individual preferences particular country region located within global map boundaries thus giving even greater opportunity bridge gaps cultures nationalities backgrounds bring together diverse array peoples perspectives under single roof called yuvo !

  • 1.Live Video Chat: Connect with friends and family around the world in real-time.
  • 2. Group Chats: Create or join group chats to stay connected with multiple people at once.
  • 3. Personalized Feeds: Follow your favorite topics, brands, and influencers for tailored content updates on Yubo’s personalized feed feature
  • 4. Customize Your Profile & Photos : Show off your style by customizing your profile page background photo and adding fun stickers to photos you upload
  • 5 .Play Games Together : Challenge friends or strangers from all over the globe in a variety of mini games within Yubo’s app
  • 6 .Virtual Gifts Exchange : Send virtual gifts such as roses, hearts , stars etc.,to show appreciation towards someone special

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Yubo app is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users will be prompted to enter their first name, gender identity, date of birth (minimum age requirement for registration is 13 years old), email address or phone number and create a password. Once these details are submitted they will need to confirm their account by clicking on an activation link sent via email or text message. After registering successfully with all required information verified correctly, users can start using the features available in this social media platform such as swiping left/right like other dating apps; creating groups where people share common interests; live streaming videos etc., It’s free to register but some additional services may require payment depending upon what you choose within your profile settings.

  • 1.Must be at least 13 years of age to register.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address for account verification and communication purposes.
  • 3. Create a unique username that has not been taken by another user on the platform
  • 4. Agree to abide by Yubo’s Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Community Guidelines upon registration
  • 5 .Create an original password with 8 or more characters including one capital letter, one number and one special character
  • 6 .Verify your identity through text message or other methods as required
  • 7 .Provide additional information such as date of birth (for age verification) when prompted during sign-up process 8 .Allow access to device location services in order for Yubo’s safety features work properly

Design and Usability of Yubo

The Yubo app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors like yellow, blue and pink that make it inviting to use. The layout is simple yet effective; the profile page displays your photo at the top followed by sections for live streams, friends list and settings.

Finding profiles of other people on Yubo is quite easy as you can search for them using their username or location. You can also browse through suggested users in different categories such as age range or gender identity if you’re looking to find new connections quickly.

Yubo’s usability makes it an ideal social media platform for teens who are just starting out online – its user-friendly interface allows anyone to easily navigate around without any difficulty. It offers helpful tutorials so users know how each feature works before they start exploring further into the app itself.. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as access to more filters when streaming videos which help create better content overall

User Profile Quality

Profiles on Yubo are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to customize their profile with a bio and photos. There is also a “friends” feature that allows users to connect with other people they know or meet online. Privacy settings are available for users so they can control who sees what information about themselves, such as age and location info. Additionally, there is an option to sign in using Google or Facebook which makes it easier for existing accounts holders of those services join Yubo quickly without having to create new credentials from scratch . Fake accounts do exist but measures have been taken by the platform’s administrators in order detect these kinds of profiles more easily . Location info within user profiles does not reveal city names but rather indicates how far away each person is from one another; this distance data cannot be hidden either although premium subscribers may benefit from additional features related directly with privacy controls over their personal data .


Yubo is a social media platform that allows users to meet new people and make friends. It also has an app for both Android and iOS devices, but it does not have a dating website at this time. The main advantage of Yubo’s app is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy to use even for those who are unfamiliar with the concept of online networking. Additionally, Yubo offers various features such as live streaming, chat rooms, group messaging capabilities and more that allow users to interact in real-time with other members from around the world.

The difference between using the site versus using the app lies mainly in convenience; while you can access all of Yubo’s features on either platform they may be easier or faster to find when accessing them through their mobile application rather than their web page due to its optimized design specifically tailored towards smartphones/tablets instead of desktops/laptops computers like most websites do today. Unfortunately though since there isn’t currently any sort of official dating website available through Yubo yet many potential customers might opt out if they’re looking exclusively for romantic relationships instead just friendships or platonic connections alone – something which could potentially hurt future growth opportunities down line if left unchecked by developers moving forward into 2021 & beyond..

Safety & Security

Yubo is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. To protect against bots, fake accounts, and other malicious activities, Yubo has implemented various security measures such as user verification methods. All new users must verify their identity by submitting an email address or phone number in order to join the platform. This helps ensure that only real people are joining the network instead of automated bots or fake accounts created with malicious intent. Additionally, all photos uploaded on Yubo are manually reviewed by trained staff members before they can be shared publicly on the app – this prevents any inappropriate content from being posted online without proper review first. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available for extra protection when logging into your account; you will need both your password and a unique code sent via text message in order to gain access into your profile page securely every time you log in from another device/location than usual . Finally ,Yubos privacy policy ensures that all personal data collected through its services remain confidential between yourself and them – no third parties have access unless explicitly stated otherwise within said policies terms & conditions

Pricing and Benefits

Yubo is a social media app that allows users to make new friends, chat with them and join live video chats. It is free for everyone to use but there are also paid subscription options available.

The main benefit of getting the Yubo premium subscription is access to additional features such as:

  • No ads while using the app
  • Ability to send private messages without being blocked by other users – More filters when searching for people on Yubo

The prices vary depending on how long you want your membership plan; it starts from $9.99 per month up until $59.99 annually (which works out at about $4.99/month). This makes it one of the most competitively priced subscriptions in its category compared with similar apps like TikTok or Instagram which charge around double this amount for their services .

If you decide that you no longer wish to have a paid subscription then cancelling your account can be done easily through either Google Play Store or Apple App Store and refunds will be issued within 7-14 days after cancellation request has been made successfully .

So do users really need a paid subscription? Ultimately, if they just want basic functionality then probably not since all essential features are already available in the free version however if they’re looking more advanced tools then yes – having an upgraded account would definitely give them more control over their experience on Yubo so it could certainly be worth considering

Help & Support

Yubo is a social media platform that provides users with the opportunity to connect and interact with other people. It also offers support for its users, which can be accessed in various ways.

The first way to access Yubo’s support services is through their website. On the main page of their site, there are several options available such as “Help Center” and “Contact Us” where you can find answers to frequently asked questions or submit your own query directly via email if needed. Additionally, they have an active Twitter account where customers can reach out for assistance from customer service representatives who will respond promptly during business hours (9am-5pm EST).

Finally, Yubo has set up a dedicated phone line so that customers may contact them directly should they need any additional help or information regarding their accounts or services provided by Yubo itself; this number operates 24/7 but response times vary depending on call volume at any given time. Furthermore, there is also an FAQ section on the website which contains quick answers for commonly asked questions about using the app and managing one’s profile settings among others – making it easy for anyone looking for immediate solutions without having to wait around too long before getting some form of feedback from customer service reps themselves!


1. Is Yubo safe?

Yubo is generally considered to be a safe platform, but it does come with some risks. Yubo encourages users to connect and share information with strangers, which can lead to potential safety issues if not used responsibly. Users should exercise caution when sharing personal information on the app and ensure that they are aware of who they are talking to before engaging in any conversations or activities online. It’s also important for parents/guardians of younger users (under 18)to monitor their activity closely as there have been reports of inappropriate content being shared by other members within the community. Additionally, Yubo requires all accounts belonging to minors under 13 years old must have parental consent prior signing up for an account; this helps protect children from potentially dangerous interactions online while still allowing them access the social media platform safely

2. Is Yubo a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Yubo is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2015 and currently boasts over 40 million registered users worldwide. The app allows people to create their own profile and connect with other like-minded individuals in order to find potential matches or friends. Users can also join group chats, play games together, share photos/videos as well as live stream content on the platform. With its easy-to-use interface and safety features such as moderation tools for inappropriate behavior, Yubo provides an enjoyable online experience that encourages meaningful connections between its members without compromising user privacy or security concerns

3. How to use Yubo app?

Using the Yubo app is a simple and straightforward process. First, users will need to download the free app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once downloaded, they can create an account using their email address or phone number as well as setting up a username and password for added security.

Once logged in, users are able to browse through different profiles of people who have similar interests by swiping left (to pass) or right (to like). If two people both swipe right on each other’s profile then it creates what is known as a “match” which allows them to start chatting with one another via text messages within the app itself. Users also have access to various features such as live streaming video chats where they can talk face-to-face with friends; sending virtual gifts; creating group chats; joining public chat rooms based around certain topics/interests etc., making it easier than ever before for teens all over the world connect online safely!

4. Is Yubo free?

Yes, Yubo is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription fees in order to access the app and its features. The only costs associated with using Yubo are for optional add-ons such as premium content packs, which can be purchased within the app if desired. All of the core functions and features of Yubo remain available at no cost regardless of whether users choose to purchase additional items or not.

5. Is Yubo working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Yubo is working and it is possible to find someone there. The app provides a platform for users to connect with others from around the world who share similar interests or hobbies. Through its live video chat feature, you can search for people by age, gender and location in order to start conversations with them. Additionally, if you are looking for something more specific such as finding friends who speak your language or have certain interests then Yubo also offers filters that allow you narrow down your search results accordingly. With all these features combined together it makes it easy to find someone on Yubo quickly and conveniently!


In conclusion, Yubo is a great social networking app for teens. It provides an easy way to make friends and find partners for dating. The design of the app is intuitive and user-friendly with lots of fun features like live streaming, quizzes, etc., that makes it enjoyable to use. Safety and security are taken seriously by Yubo as they have implemented various measures such as age verification process, parental control options and reporting tools which help keep users safe while using the platform. Help & support team can be reached easily via email or chatbot if any issues arise during usage or when setting up your profile on the site. Lastly but not leastly, profiles quality on this website seem quite high due to its strict policy against fake accounts so you won’t need worry about being scammed out there! All in all we believe that Yubo has done a great job at providing an entertaining yet secure environment where teenagers can meet new people safely without compromising their privacy – something which parents should definitely appreciate!

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Author Brandon Smith

Brandon Smith is a passionate writer and relationship expert. He has a degree in psychology and a Master's in Counseling. He has been writing about love and relationships for over a decade, providing advice and insights to singles, couples, and families. Brandon believes that relationships are the foundation of any happy and healthy life, and he wants to help people build strong and lasting connections with one another. He is always looking for new ways to combine his expertise with his love for writing to help others find the joy and fulfillment that comes from strong relationships.